Our offices
DGE - where you are
Where does our slogan “think globally, act locally” come from? Good question!
Throughout the group, and additionally through our membership in Inogen Alliance, we have a truly global network of expertise to draw from, and global reach in the services we can offer. However, it’s important for us to be where our clients are, and know the local circumstances thoroughly.
Find the closest DGE company to you:

DGE Denmark
DGE Miljø- og Ingeniørfirma
Jelshøjvænget 11
DK-8270 Højbjerg
dge@dge.dk | +45 70 10 34 00

DGE Sweden
DGE Mark och Miljö
Norra Långgaten 1; Box 258
SE-391 23 Kalmar
info@dge.se | +46 10-200 80 82

DGE Estonia
DGE Eesti
Raekoja plats 8 ES-51004 Tartu

DGE Lithuania
DGE Baltic Soil and Environment
Smolensko str. 3, LT-03202 Vilnius
info@dge.lt | +370 526 443 04

DGE Finland
DGE Suomi
Mannerheiminaukio 1A/SPACES 00100, Helsinki
info@dgefinland.fi | +358 403 509 750

Hendrikson & Ko
Maakri 29, ES-10145 Tallinn
hendrikson@hendrikson.ee | +372 740 9800