CSRD webinar and new overview article now live!

DGE Group Webinar CSRD in Practice

DGE international experts have been busy in the last month of introducing the topic of added CSRD regulations to all those impacted.

As mentioned before, DGE’s Sustainability Competence Centre team planned and put together a live webinar for all mid-January, where DGE Sweden’s Nan Kjellberg and DGE Finland’s Anna Tuomosto (who has since moved on from the team, but we still send her our best, of course!) put together presentations on the practicalities of this new need in reporting. The webinar (minus the exclusive-to-live-participants Q&A) is now live and available on our Youtube channel for all those interested.

Additionally, Anna and DGE Finland director Lauri Niemelä put together an overview article on the topic at the request of our friends at Inogen Alliance – for those who would like a shorter introduction before committing to the webinar, or perhaps just prefer the medium of written text. This helpful overview can be found on Inogen Alliance’s blog

Happy learning!

The DGE Group is an environmental consultancy based in the Nordic and Baltic countries. 

Our strengths lie in our dialogue-based business ideals, strong sense of mission, positive energy, and personal business relationships. Our clients range from government agencies and large global corporations to small single-person operations.

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