The month of April was important for the DGE Group for one other reason – it was the kickoff of our webinars. The first of such spoke about the nature and specifics of climate proofing – a new branch of the requirement tree of EU funding.
Our specialist Mart Dungay (Hendrikson DGE, DGE Finland) and partner representative Kristel Lopsik (Estonian State Shared Services Center) spoke to the attendees about climate proofing in infrastructure, as well as DGE’s experience with such projects. Even though this is a new service area for most in Europe, we are striving to stay ahead of the curve.
Infrastructure built today will last decades into the future so it is essential that the future changes in the environment are properly accounted for already at the beginning of a new infrastructure project. In 2021 the European Commission introduced a Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027 (2021/C 373/01), which brings together the requirements of several different EU funding and loan instruments and combines these into an integrated technical assessment process referred to as climate proofing. (Thank you to our Finnish colleagues for putting the main information together more concisely!)
Take a look at our webinar recording below to learn more about the service area, and our approach to this. DGE Group is very proud to be one of the pioneering environmental consultancies in Northern Europe on this topic!
P.s. All of our live participants, about 50 people strong, also got to participate in a Q&A session with the experts. This is a perk we intend to keep reserved for our public webinars in the future as well, so be sure to follow our channels for more info on when to join us live!
Learn more about all the ways DGE Group can help your company on our Services page.